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The Sweat Waist Trimmer will help increase your core temperature during exercise improving thermogenic activity and sweat. Made with premium neoprene for superior heat insulation and contoured for a comfortable fit. You will be amazed at how much you will sweat than using the belt!


The Sweat Waist Trimmer will increase the body's core temperature during daily activites, at home, in sports, walking, running or in any kind of physcial actvity. It can be worn no matter what you're doing!



Can be worn under or over clothing. 



"Boujeeque" Sweat Waist Trimmer

  • - Maximizes fitness routine

    - Burns over 200 calories with 1 hour of workout

    - Burns back and belly fat

    - Drops water weight

    - Slims the waist and promotes ABS

    - Improves core body temperature

    - Improves overall well-being

    - Adjustable straps

    - Makes AB muscles more visible

    - Increases blood circulation

    - Supports lower back / weight lifting friendly

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